Quick Start Guide This setup guide will get you up and running in no time. Bought an ACDC Drives Budget Pendant and the Parker AC10 Inverter? Parameters and setup here. Budget Inverter Pendant BUY HERE [Read More...]
When purchasing a motor, you might wonder, should I buy an IE1, IE2 or an IE3 motor. If so, this infographic will clear up any queries you have regarding the benefits of choosing an IE3 [Read More...]
What is an IP Rating? IP stands for Ingress Protection. Ratings are defined in international standard EN 60529. They essentially state the electronic’s durability in terms of how its resistance against foreign bodies such as [Read More...]
The Titan Slitter 590C/350/9/0/01/1/00 series 2 DC main drive was coming up with comms error and used RS422 communications with the main Titan computer. Besides sourcing second hand spares it kept on failing on comms [Read More...]