Single Phase Motors (1Ph) are popular in domestic applications. ACDC Drives hold a large stock of these motors in both Permanent and Dual Capacitor format. To help decide which motor you need, please see the useful information below.
All of these motors are able to switch between clockwise and counter-clockwise operation instantly and speed is variable (will not work with any Inverter). There are several possibilities for mounting these motors to your equipment making this the ideal choice when assembling an adjustment mechanism.
Permanent Capacitor
230VAC Permanent Capacitor Motors
Single Phase AC Permanent Capacitor (0.18kW to 2.2kW) IEC standard electric motors are suitable for industrial equipment and domestic applications with a single phase 220/240V supply. Permanent capacitor (PSC) single phase motorsshould not be used in hard to start applications such as woodworking machinery, air compressors, high-pressure water pumps, and vacuumed pumps. These motors are ideal for fans, blowers with low starting torque needs, and intermittent cycling uses such as adjusting mechanisms, gate operators and garage door openers, many of which also need instant reversing.
Key Advantages of Permanent Cap Motors
Key advantages single phase permanent capacitor motors offer:
Speed Controllable (with Variac not an AC Drive)
Very reliable
Torque Rated
6 pole and 8 pole on request
No mechanical starting mechanism
Rotatable top mounted aluminum terminal box (capacitor enclosed)
Lightweight Multi mount B3, B5, and B14 options
Low starting currents
IEC Standard Dimensions
220 - 240VAC
IP55 suited for wet and dusty environments
Class F Insulation (40 degrees ambient)
S1 Continuous Duty Cycle
Multi Mount
Permanent cap electric motors have many domestic applications as well as industrial uses. They are ideally suited for use in fans, blowers, gate operators and garage door operators.
Capacitor Start / Capacitor Run
230VAC Dual Capacitor Motors
Capacitor Start / Capacitor Run (TDA) single phase electric motors are able to handle applications that are too demanding for any other type of single phase electric motor. High starting performance ensures the TEC ML Capacitor Start / Capacitor Run is suitable for agricultural, high pressure washers, vacuum pumps, conveyers, and refrigeration equipment which demand higher starting torque.
Key Advantages of Dual Capacitor Motors
Key advantages single phase permanent capacitor motors offer:
High starting torque performance 1.8 - 2.5
High overload rating
Multi mount
Light weight aluminum frame
Cool running to comparable kW powers
Clockwise and Anti clockwise with change of connection
Rotatable Aluminum terminal box
Cap Start/Cap Run or Dual Cap Motors provide a higher starting torque than the Permanent Capacitor motors. This enables them to be used in agricultural machinery as well as pressure washers, vacuum pumps and refrigeration.